Year: 2015
Editor: Christian Weber, Stephan Husung, Gaetano Cascini, Marco CantaMESsa, Dorian Marjanovic, Frederico Rotini
Author: Thumm, Benjamin Roland; Goehlich, Dietmar
Series: ICED
Institution: Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany
Section: Product Modularisation, Product Architecture, Systems Engineering, Product Service Systems
Page(s): 175-184
ISBN: 978-1-904670-70-4
ISSN: 2220-4334
This paper provides a new approach based on "Product Architecture Drivers" (PA Drivers) as well as an overview of product variety and its relevance to product standardization. The target products for the approach are capital goods which are typically produced in low quantities. Those products are in general highly customized which leads to high product complexity. A profound literature review of different types of variety, development processes and projects and a new definition for standardized product architectures is given. Most approaches consider modularization based on green field development. In this paper we investigate an approach applicable for brownfield product development. For implementing new standardized modules into an existing product portfolio a suitable architecture has to be developed. A mapping between the future common product architecture, standardized modules and the product lines is given.
Keywords: Design Methodology, Product Architecture, Complexity, Modularization